Samsung Washer Out of Balance? (All You Need To Know)
Have you tried using your Samsung washing machine but it goes out of balance each time?
Or sometimes, It works smoothly and suddenly you are faced with an unbalanced load that causes your Samsung washing machine’s drum to bang violently and loudly.
Whether this is the first time your Samsung washer has gone out of balance, or it happens always, it’s a problem that can be fixed.
But to start with, why does your Samsung washing machine go unbalanced?
Incorrectly loading the drum and an unleveled floor can temporarily cause your Samsung washer to go out of balance. However, if your washer is correctly loaded and on a leveled floor and it still goes unbalanced, chances are your suspension rods, shock absorbers, shaft, drum bearings or snubber ring may be faulty.
Without delay, you need to fix this problem on your Samsung washing machine before it truncates into an irreparable problem.
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Why is my Samsung washer out of balance? (How to fix it)
Samsung washers can go out of balance when you run a wash or spin cycle for a number of reasons.
Your Samsung washer will go unbalanced if your clothes are not properly distributed in the drum or if you have your washer on an irregular/unleveled surface.
The above two reasons are usually temporal and easy to fix.
However, if you sort clothes distribution and leveled surface problems and your Samsung washer is still unbalanced, then there could a mechanical issue.
Here are 10 common reasons why your Samsung washer is unbalanced and how to easily solve the problem.
Read also: Whirpool washing machine out of balance
1. Uneven distribution of clothes in the drum
For your Samsung washer’s drum to work smoothly during the spin cycle, the clothes in it should be evenly distributed.
If your Samsung top load washer starts banging against the sides of your washer immediately after the spin cycle begins, before the speed increases, then it’s likely that the load is not balanced.
Overloading your washer beyond its capacity or loading oversized materials can also cause unbalance during spin cycles.
But not just overloading, a very small load can create an unbalanced load.
When you have an unbalanced load, your Samsung washer will display a UR error code.
To fix an unbalanced load when spinning in a Samsung washing machine, pause the cycle, rearrange the clothes in the drum, reduce some clothes if it’s overloaded, and start the cycle again.
Tips for loading Samsung washer drum:
- Always check your Samsung user manual for the right amount of load suitable
- If your Samsung washer has an unbalanced load, simply pause the cycle and reduce or add more clothes.
- Use a washbag for small items or items that may contain foreign objects
- Always confirm that you are using the correct wash and spin settings
2. Washer is on an Unleveled surface
When your front load Samsung washing machine is on an uneven surface, that can cause it to go out of balance.
Your Samsung washer needs an even and leveled ground to operate.
Otherwise, your washer will not spin properly but rather shake violently and go out of balance.
To fix a Samsung washing machine on an unleveled surface, adjust all the legs of your washer such that your washer is leveled and firm. You can also use rubber anti-vibration pads to control the surface on which your Samsung washer sits.
As for Samsung top load washers, you can usually relevel them by tipping forward and resting them back on the floor.
- Ensure that you check the level on all its sides using a spirit level.
- Take off the front access panel to untighten the loc nuts that hold and control the four legs of the washer.
3. Shipping bolts may still be present

If your Samsung frontload washing machine is new and it’s getting unbalanced, it’s likely the shipping bolts are still in place.
Shipping bolts are usually located in the back of your Samsung washer to keep the tub secure.
If they are not removed before use, your washer will be unbalanced when spinning.
You can refer to your user manual to get the location of the shipping bolts in your Samsung washer model and use a wrench to remove them.
Read also: GE Washer Out of Balance during Spin? (All You Need To Know)
4. There is clothes or object caught in the tub
During wash or spin cycles, fabrics can be stuck below the tub or between the main agitator and the inner tub and causing your Samsung washer to go off balance.
Foreign objects such as a bra wire, a coin, or buttons can also get stuck which will make your washer unbalanced anytime you run a spin cycle.
To address this issue, you need to inspect under and around the center agitator to ensure there isn’t any fabric or object stuck there.
If you find that there’s any material stuck then try pulling it out gently.
You may have to remove the agitator and inspect if no coin or wire has found its way underneath.
5. Shock absorbers have worn out
Samsung front load washers have shock absorbers that are usually connected to the outer tub and the base of the washer.
Just like suspensions, the shock absorbers don’t last forever but can wear out from the continuous of your Samsung washer.
You can inspect the shock absorbers by opening the back panel and looking below the washer to see if they have become weak or damaged.
Also, check for signs of leaking fluid in the shock absorbers that can be a sign that they have gone bad.
Washing machine shock absorbers can be easily replaced without external assistance.
But if you can’t replace them by yourself, then get help from an appliance technician.
Read Also: How to fix washing machine spinning so fast
6. Bearings are worn out
The bearings on a Samsung front load washer are usually located between the tub spindle and the motor shaft and they support the smooth movement of the drum.
With time they can get worn out and even drop out on their own.
If your Samsung washer is out of balance, it could be that your drum bearings have reached their limit, and it’s time for a replacement.
7. Suspension rods are damaged
Suspension rods in your Samsung washer are responsible for dampening the movement of the wash tub.
With time, they can get worn out, weak, and even broken such that they can’t perform their role.
When the suspension rods get weak or damaged your washer will shake and move anytime you run a spin cycle and go out of balance.
You need to open the top panel and inspect to see if there are any times of wear or damage to the suspension rods.
If they appear damaged or weak, you will need to replace them.
8. Damaged snubber ring
Your Top load Samsung washer has a rubber ring that lies between the base of the outer tub and the washer’s base.
It serves as a cushion and prevents the tub from direct contact with the base.
If the ring is damaged or worn out, it can be the reason why your Samsung washer is unbalanced, and you will need to replace it.
9. Corroded Shaft
The inner tub on your Samsung washing machine sits on a metallic shaft.
This shaft needs to be in a good condition at all times but with time, it can get corroded by water and detergent finding its way to them.
To check if the shaft is in good condition, open the lid of your Top load Samsung washer, and lift the tub up and down.
The inner tub should move about ¾ inches.
If it doesn’t move at all, then the shaft is probably corroded and gummed up.
A corroded shaft can be fixed but it involves some technical handiness.
If you can’t carry out this repair by yourself, then get an appliance technician to do that for you.
10. Broken dampening strap
Most Samsung top load washers have four rubber straps that hold the tub firmly to the 4 corners of the washer frame.
Again, these rubber dampening straps undergo wear and tear and once they get damaged, your Samsung washer will be unbalanced during spinning.
We advise that you replace all four straps even if you find out that only one of them is damaged.
Related Article: Washing machine drum dropped (Fix)
As we explained, your Samsung washing machine may be out of balance because of several possible reasons.
We hope that our article will help you fix the unbalanced movements of your Samsung washer.
As a general rule, always investigate the temporal reasons first and if you get no results, then you can go ahead and dig into the mechanical reasons that may be making your Samsung washer go out of balance.
If you feel you aren’t handy enough to carry out the mechanical fixes, call the services of an appliance technician.
Read also: How to Clean Samsung washing machine (Ultimate Guide)
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